AREA15, the immersive and experiential art and entertainment district in Las Vegas, now boasts one of Burning Man’s art festival’s most iconic large-scale art pieces—a Boeing 747.Measuring almost 46 metres in length and more than 18 metres in width, the Boeing 747 will be repurposed as a one-of-a-kind cocktail and dining experience. With a future […]
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Boeing 737 MAX returns to Canadian skies
More than just another item on a to-do list, safety is a core value at YVR. It is also the top priority for Transport Canada and its airline partners. As the federal institution responsible for transportation policies and programs, Transport Canada’s safety experts spent more than 15,000 hours independently verifying changes to the Boeing 737 […]

Boeing’s iconic humbacked 747 turns 50
One of the world’s most recognizable aircraft, Boeing’s 747, debuted at the end of what is known as the golden age of flight when travel was glamourous, and most flights catered to an elite clientele. On Sept. 30, 1968, the first 747 was rolled out of Boeing’s Everett assembly building before the world’s press and […]

Boeing’s transonic truss-braced wing
Boeing has revealed its newest Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW), which researchers say will offer unprecedented aerodynamic efficiency while flying at Mach 0.80—faster than previous TTBW concepts. The high wingspan is made possible by the presence of a truss, which supports the extended length of an ultra-thin wing. From end-to-end, the folding wings measure almost 52 […]

Cargo traffic to double in 20 years, according to Boeing forecast
Boeing projects air cargo operators will need more than 2,600 freighters over the next two decades to keep up with increasing global freight traffic, which is expected to double with 4.2 per cent growth annually. The 980 new medium and large freighters and 1,670 converted freighters will go toward replacing older airplanes and growing the […]