The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) will no longer allow e-cigarettes and other battery-powered portable electronic smoking devices in checked baggage on airlines because of the risk of heating elements contained within them accidentally catching fire. ICAO first advised its member states of potential safety issues related to e-cigarettes in December 2014. At time, the […]
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Youth take-off with training from aviation industry
A joint venture between the British Columbia Aviation Council (BCAC) and the Air Cadet League of Canada British Columbia Provincial Committee (BCPC) has resulted in a work experience program accredited by the BC Ministry of Education. This program will see youth completing 40 hours towards their High School Graduation Transition (HSGT) program in the aerospace […]

New aviation agreement between Canada and Taiwan
An agreement signed between Taiwan and Canada in November 2013 will expand the number of direct flights between the two countries and increase available seating capacity Under the agreement signed by Taiwan’s Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) director-general Jean Sen and Canadian Trade Office in Taipei executive director Kathleen Mackay, the number of passenger flights connecting […]

Shell develops unleaded light aircraft fuel
Shell Aviation technologists have been carrying out an intensive internal laboratory programme, including in-house altitude rig and engine testing, to develop unleaded aviation gasoline. The two main types of aviation fuel are aviation turbine fuel (jet fuel) and aviation gasoline (Avgas). Jet fuel is used by larger, gas-turbine-engine powered aircraft, while Avgas is used in […]

CUPE challenges Canadian flight attendant regulations
CUPE, the union representing flight attendants at several Canadian airlines, is challenging the federal government’s decision to grant exemptions to the current ratio of one flight attendant for every 40 passengers on board Canadian airlines. Transport Canada has granted exemptions to Sunwing and WestJet. The federal government also announced its intention to change the existing […]