Anna Burk, who will serve as one of this year’s airport tour guides for Grade 5 students, gets a close-up look at YVR’s fire truck.
From September to November 2013, the Airport Authority is once again running its Fall School Tour Program, where 1,500 Grade 5 students from Metro Vancouver are invited for a guided tour of YVR.
Tours are provided by SFU Communications Co-op students and the Airport Authority is delighted that Jake Sobrepena has returned for his second year as a tour guide. Sobrepena is joined by Anna Burk who is excited to tour YVR with him and the students.
Burk shared a few words about her first weeks as a tour guide at YVR.
“Every year, YVR welcomes Grade 5 students from across the Lower Mainland to take a tour of North America’s #1 airport. In its fifth year, this fun and informational program highlights the importance of YVR in our community and encourages students to see the airport as more than just a place to travel to and from. In addition to covering topics such as sustainability at YVR, First Nations art and security procedures, this year we’ve incorporated a highlight from YVR Take-Off Fridays: the paper airplane competition.
“In order to tell the students all about our amazing airport, I’ve been immersing myself in everything YVR. Jake has been showing me the ropes, and we’ve spent much of our time in the terminal, interacting with travellers and staff along the way.
“I also had the unique chance to take an airside tour to see the operations first hand, visiting everything from the South Terminal to the Fire Hall and seeing the NAV Canada ‘golf ball’ up close on a gorgeous sunny day. I even got to sit in the fire truck, fulfilling every kid’s (or kid-at-heart’s) dream.
“Jake and I look forward to meeting Grade 5 students and getting them as excited about our airport as we are.”
If you see the students and their guides in the terminal, give them a wave.